I am ... The Romantic Punk

me & my mum (2001)
me & my sister (2003)
me as a fairy (2005)
me & my mum ft my obsession with dinosaurs (2007)
me still repping the film camera;) (2022)
 As a romantic punk I possess a poetic disposition, an analytical mind, and a punk spirit.

I find beauty in the pariahs and unorthodox tribes of the world.

To channel my independent spirit I explore punk aesthetics and poetic writings in my Graphic Design.

My 35mm Film Photography is cinematic, aiming to capture a heightened moment of truth in an increasingly fractured modern world.

To connect with my inner-child I make Zines. Here images, sketches and writings merge, revealing my creative spirit in its purest form.

I prioritise individual creative expression through a playful, provocative, and personal approach.

As a visual explorer I navigate themes of identity, liberation, and revolution, distinctly with a queer lens.

I am seeking mentorship and employment opportunities to hone my craft and gain industry experience within the photography and publishing spheres.

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